Extraterritoriality and International Bribery: A Collective Action Perspective by Branislav Hock. London: Routledge, 2020. 272 pp., $124 hardback 9780367086077, $37.67 ebook 9780429023347.
Corruption and Targeted Sanctions: Law and Policy of Anti‐Corruption Entry Bans by Anton Moiseienko. Leiden and Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2019. 323 pp., $239 hardback 9789004369023, ebook 9789004390478.
Both books recommend systematization of anti‐corruption norms whether by the means of legal institutions (Hock) or agreeing on a set of human rights safeguards against anti‐corruption sanctions (Moiseienko). Both argue that unless there is a shared understanding of what international law requires and how far states may or may not go in the enforcement of the anti‐corruption regime, tensions with non‐cooperative countries may become even more considerable.