This short article offers reflections on an approach to environmental policy and land management forwarded by Peter Kareiva and Emma Fuller. Their approach both mimics evolution in its structure and seeks to manage for evolution in application. They argue this approach is a novel perspective on policy that is more adaptive and flexible in setting realistic conservation goals and objectives. While we agree that their approach is a novel starting point for discussion of ecosystem resilience and adaptive management, we argue that they do not offer the required framework of guiding principles, or—more importantly—a set of values on which to base this particular environmental policy and management approach. We analyze the main driver behind Kareiva and Fuller's article (an evolutionary perspective in regards to policy) with respect to non-epistemic values and outline key questions that will be important to inform environmental and conservation research, efforts, and policy.
A Response to: ‘Beyond Resilience: How to Better Prepare for the Profound Disruption of the Anthropocene’, Peter Kareiva and Emma Fuller (2016); ‘Why Politics and Context Matter in Conservation Policy’, Florence Damiens et al. (2017); and The Long and Short of Environmental Solutions’, Peter Kareiva and Emma Fuller (2017)
Photo credit: Modern Event Preparedness via Flickr / CC BY