

20-22 September 2017

University of Antwerp, Belgium

Law and Development Days, followed by a launch of Law and Development Research Network.

Presentation 'A Mirage of International Law in Development Projects' by Dr Giedre Jokubauskaite.

7-9 September 2017

European Society of International Law Annual Conference, Naples, Italy

Authors contributing to the edited collection meet the editors to discuss the progress of their research.

July 2017

International Commission of Jurists, Geneva

Gleider Hernández will spend a part of the summer as a Visiting Fellow at the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). The ICJ is one of the longest-standing legal research NGOs in Geneva; its mandate is the promotion of human rights through the international rule of law. Gleider will serve as its observer during the summer session of the International Law Commission and report on its project to prepare a draft Convention on Crimes against Humanity.

5-7 July, 2017

Copenhagen, Denmark

Society for International Public Law (ICON-S) Annual Conference,

A panel on judicial reasoning and technique: Navigating its Ins and Outs, with Parvathi Menon, Medhi Belkhala, Matina Papadaki and Gleider Hernández

25-26 April 2017

University of Durham, Durham, United Kingdom

This workshop was designed to facilitate academic exchange amongst the authors contributing to the edited collection under the project. It brought together those scholars who work on the systemic nature of international law and individual actors within it, but also, on how law operates as a social practice and is both constituted by and constitutive of certain social practices. Building on recent scholarship on the notion of international public authority this workshop tried to discern how as a matter of fact, authority is claimed, legitimated and contested within the international legal space. In this respect, part of the workshop engaged with ongoing scholarship on the practices of international lawyers and the roles they discharge within the international legal system, whilst another part focused on how the legal form itself can be instrumentalised so as to confer authority on certain claims.


  • Professor Andrea Bianchi, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Switzerland)
  • Professor Jean d’Aspremont, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
  • Professor Outi Korhonen, University of Turku (Finland)
  • Professor Başak Çali, Hertie School of Governance (Germany)
  • Associate Professor Frédéric Mégret, McGill University (Canada)
  • Associate Professor Usha Natarajan, American University in Cairo (Egypt)
  • Junior Professor Matthias Goldmann, Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany)
  • Associate Professor Jaye Ellis, McGill University (Canada)
  • Dr Richard Collins, University College Dublin (Ireland)
  • Dr Andrea Birdsall, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
  • Dr Lorenzo Cotula, International Institute for Environment and Development (United Kingdom)
  • Dr Gregory Messenger, University of Liverpool (United Kingdom)
  • Dr Fernando Lusa Bordin, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
  • Dr Konstantine Eristavi, Caucasus University (Georgia)
  • Dr Alice Panepinto, University of Warwick (United Kingdom)
  • Dr Lianne Boer, VU Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
  • Dr Matthew Nicholson, University of Durham (United Kingdom)
  • Dr Nicolas Perrone, University of Durham (United Kingdom)
  • Dr Giedre Jokubauskaite, University of Durham (United Kingdom)
  • Associate Professor Gleider Hernandez, University of Durham (United Kingdom)


12-15 April 2017

Washington DC, United States

ASIL Annual Meeting

Public Roundtable featuring Dr Ben Juratovitch, Loretta Malintoppi, Tai-Heng Cheng and Dr Gleider Hernández; moderated by HE Judge James Crawford and HE Judge Stephen Schwebel

You can find a video of this event here.


22-23 May 2017 

University of Helsinki, The Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights

Seminar 'International Law in the Dark Time' with Prof. Martti Koskenniemi and Prof. Anne Orford

Presentation 'An Avalance of Rules in International Development: A Tragedy of Juridification in International Competition' by Dr Giedre Jokubauskaite and Dr David Rossati

26-27 January 2017

University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Conference on Business, Human Rights and Security

Presentation “Land rights and accountability: lessons from West Africa” by Dr Giedre Jokubauskaite

October-November 2016

TMC Asser Institute, Centre for International and European Law (the Netherlands)

Gleider Hernández spent a part of the autumn as a Visiting Senior Fellow at the TMC Asser Institute in The Hague, in the context of the CAIL Project. The Asser Institute gathers legal academics and practitioners from around the world, organising a series of lectures. Gleider presented his research and engaged with the vibrant research culture of the Institute.

27 October 2016

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Oxford Public International Law Lunctime Discussion Group

Presentation “The Systemic Qualities of the International Legal Order” by Dr Gleider Hernández

You can listen to the podcast of this presentation here.

25 April 2016

British Institute for International and Comparative Law, United Kingdom

25th Annual SLS-BIICL Conference on Theory and International Law, ‘Beyond our comfort zone? Situating the authority of international lawyers, institutions and other international actors’ 

Panel discussion organised by Dr Gleider Hernández, with Dr Faud Zarbiyev, Prof. Sandy Sivakumaran, Dr Richard Collins and Dr Matthew Nicholson

7 September 2016

European Society of International Law

Joint International Environmental Law-International Legal Theory Interest Group Meeting (University of Latvia)

Panel organised by Dr Gleider Hernández, with Dr Antonio Cardesa-Salzmann, Prof. Tomasz Widłak, Prof. Jaye Ellis and Prof. Jasper Finke

10-11 September 2015

European Society of International Law

IX Annual Conference ‘The Judicialization of International Law: A Mixed Blessing’ (University of Oslo, Norway)

Presentation “An Inquiry into Judicial Practices at the International Court of Justice”, Dr Gleider Hernández

7-8 September 2015

Asser Institute, Centre for International and European Law (the Netherlands)


Public Roundtable with Judge Fausto Pocar, Dr. Gleider Hernández, Dr. Cecily Rose, Prof. Janne Nijman, Prof. Armin von Bogdandy and Dr. Ingo Venzke