The May 2023 issue of Global Policy includes research articles on, among others, vaccine politics, European think tanks, the UN General Assembly and governing global crises. There is a special section on power, state legitimacy and counter-narratives in the Arab world. There are also policy insights on Ukraine and digital genetic resources.
Research Articles
Understanding and governing global systemic crises in the 21st century: A complexity perspective - Didier Wernli, Lucas Böttcher, Flore Vanackere, Yuliya Kaspiarovich, Maria Masood and Nicolas Levrat
Vaccine politics: Law and inequality in the pandemic response to COVID-19 - Matthew M. Kavanagh and Renu Singh
Politicising pandemics: Evidence from US media coverage of the World Health Organisation - Jeffrey King and Andrew Lugg
Public health clauses in international investment agreements: Sword or shield? - Anne Marie Thow, Wolfgang Alschner and Faisal Aljunied
How many people in the world do research and development? - Davut Emrah Ayan, Laurel L. Haak and Donna K. Ginther
Soft power in global governance: fsQCA of thematic specialization strategies of European think tanks - Vanessa Roger-Monzó and Fernando Castelló-Sirvent
Hawks in the making? European public views on nuclear weapons post-Ukraine - Michal Onderco, Michal Smetana and Tom W. Etienne
Environmental remediation as social archaeology: Excavating sites contaminated by early nuclear weapons activities in New York City, both literally and hermeneutically - Matthew Breay Bolton and Katherine Ketterer
How to assess economic progress in the era of discontinuity? - Marceli Hązła and Ewa Mińska-Struzik
Who cares about the UN General Assembly? National delegations size from 1993 to 2016 - Vaclav Vlcek
Special Section
Discursive challenges: Power, state legitimacy and counter-narratives in the Arab world - Tom Walsh and Betul Dogan-Akkas
The Iraqi state's legitimacy deficit: Input, output and identity-based legitimacy challenges - Jacob Eriksson and Isaac Grief
The moderation journey of Kurdish Islamism in the Kurdistan region of Iraq - Hardy Hasib Raza
Securitisation imperatives and the exaggeration of Iranian involvement with the Houthi movement by international actors - Tom Walsh
Policy Insights
The Ukraine crisis, the nuclear threat and the ICJ Opinion of 1996 - Peter Hilpold
Global governance for digital sequence information on genetic resources: Demand, progress and reforming paths - Geng Qin, Hanzhi Yu and Chao Wu
Response Article
Law, justice and the role of courts in changing the social superstructure narrative in climate litigation: A Rejoinder to Benoit Mayer - Friederike E. L. Otto, Petra Minnerop, Emmanuel Raju, Luke J. Harrington, Rupert F. Stuart-Smith, Emily Boyd, Rachel James, Richard G. Jones and Kristian C. Lauta