Global Policy’s November 2016 issue contains, among others, research articles on the Third Wave of the Digital Revolution, the Green Economy, the BRICS, Asian Infrastructure Investment Banks, and China's place in global governance. It has a special section entitled ‘The Global Diffusion of Policies, Practices and Values: Democracies and Autocracies Compared’, edited by Aurel Croissant and Jale Tosun. It also features survey articles on investment treaties and sovereign wealth funds, and a review essay on neoliberalism and social movements.
Research Articles
Kyla Tienhaara - Governing the Global Green Economy
Special Section - The Global Diffusion of Policies, Practices and Values: Democracies and Autocracies Compared
Aurel Croissant and Jale Tosun - Introduction: Bringing Regime Types into Diffusion Studies
Jale Tosun and Aurel Croissant - Policy Diffusion: A Regime-sensitive Conceptual Framework
Kurt Weyland - Patterns of Diffusion: Comparing Democratic and Autocratic Waves
Franziska Deutsch and Christian Welzel - The Diffusion of Values among Democracies and Autocracies
Survey Article
Warren Clarke - Sovereign Patent Funds: Sovereign Wealth Funds 2.0?
Review Essay
Brecht De Smet - Neoliberalism and The Future of Social Movements (Studies)