Global Policy’s November 2015 issue opens with an editorial overviewing the journal’s first five years and future. It then moves onto, among others, research articles on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Jus ex Bello’, measures of development progress, responsibility at the UN, and the international movement of wealth. It also contains a special section on ‘Accountability in International Development Finance’, edited by Kate Macdonald and May Miller-Dawkins, and another on ‘Sustainable Business in the Stakeholder Era’, edited by Arved Lüth and Marcel Stierl. There are practitioners’ commentaries on the UN at 70, the European Court Of Human Rights, and China and India’s role in shaping responses to climate change.
David Held and Eva-Maria Nag - Frontiers Ahead
Research Articles
Ariel Colonomos - Is there a Future for ‘Jus ex Bello’?
Margi Prideaux - Wildlife NGOs: From Adversaries to Collaborators
Peter Sarlin and Henrik J. Nyman - The Process of Macroprudential Oversight in Europe
Robert T. Kudrle - Expatriation: A Last Refuge for the Wealthy?
Achim Hildebrandt - What Shapes Abortion Law? – A Global Perspective
Special Section - Accountability in International Development Finance, edited by Kate Macdonald and May Miller-Dawkins
Kate Macdonald and May Miller-Dawkins - Accountability in Public International Development Finance
Susan Park - Assessing Accountability in Practice: The Asian Development Bank's Accountability Mechanism
Survey Articles
Practitioners' Special Section - Sustainable Business in the Stakeholder Era, edited by Arved Lüth and Marcel Stierl
Arved Lüth - Power and Purpose: Harnessing Stakeholder Partnerships for the Great Transformation
Mervyn E. King - The Role of Integrated Thinking in Changing Corporate Behaviour
Nelmara Arbex - Empowered by Transparency: Shaping Business for the Future
CB Bhattacharya - Stakeholder-centricity a Precondition to Managing Sustainability Successfully
Dietlind Freiberg - If Stakeholders Ruled the World: Stakeholder Relations in the 21st Century
Emilio Galli Zugaro - When Listening Improves Corporate Success
João Duarte - ‘Communicative Equations’: Towards a More Agile PR Practice in the Network Society
Toni Muzi Falconi - Take Your Time…And Listen
Arved Lüth and Marcel Stierl - Creating Shared Value by Fostering Regional Development: The ‘Partners in Responsibility‘ Method for SME
Practitioner Commentaries
Mohamed Mansour - Financing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects in Egypt
Noemi Manco - The European Court Of Human Rights: A ‘Culture of Bad Faith’?