Global Policy’s September 2015 issue contains, among others, articles on democracy and autonomous weapons, R2P as international policy, sustainable development and when foreign aid works. It also contains a special section on ‘Organizational Leadership and Collective Action in International Governance’, and another on ‘Private Investment and Public Funds for Climate Finance’ guest edited by Andreas Klasen. There are practitioners’ commentaries on whether civil society can get the commonwealth back on track and how the World Bank should rethink its measurements of poverty.
Research Articles
Ramesh Thakur - The Development and Evolution of R2P as International Policy
Special Section - Organizational Leadership and Collective Action in International Governance
Barbara Koremenos - The Role of State Leadership in the Incidence of International Governance
Magnus G. Schoeller - Explaining Political Leadership: Germany's Role in Shaping the Fiscal Compact
Angel Saz-Carranza - Agents as Brokers: Leadership in Multilateral Organizations
Survey Articles
Robert H. Wade and Jakob Vestergaard - Why is the IMF at an Impasse, and What Can Be Done about It?
Helmut Reisen - Will the AIIB and the NDB Help Reform Multilateral Development Banking?
Practitioners' Special Section - Private Investment and Public Funds for Climate Finance
Tom Kerr - Good Fiscal Policy: Governments Using Carbon Pricing to Drive Low-Carbon Investment
George Otieno - Harnessing the UN's SE4All Initiative: How ECAs and Multilateral Partners Support Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa
Practitioner Commentaries
Francis Baert and Timothy M. Shaw - Reform Starts Bottom-Up. Can Civil Society Get The Commonwealth Back On Track?