The May 2013 edition of Global Policy contains two special sections. The first, edited by John Mikler, on ‘Global Companies and Emerging Market Economies’ is based on contributions to a Handbook of Global Companies released contiguously with this issue. The second, edited by Valentina Gentile and Marcelo di Paola, adopts a multidimensional approach to 'Globalising Justice', examining justice beyond nation-state borders and across the planet. The issue also contains articles on food security, forum shopping in global governance, future warfare technology and sustainable development.
Research Articles
Jennifer Clapp and Sophia Murphy - The G20 and Food Security: a Mismatch in Global Governance?
Rianne Mahon - Social Investment According to the OECD/DELSA: A Discourse in the Making
Special Section - Global Companies and Emerging Market Economies, Edited by John Mikler
John Mikler - Global Companies and Emerging Market Economies
Andrea Goldstein - The Political Economy of Global Business: the Case of the BRICs
Shiufai Wong - Varieties of the Regulatory State and Global Companies: the Case of China
Sung-Young Kim - The Rise of East Asia's Global Companies
Special Section - Globalising Justice: A Multidimensional Approach, Edited by Valentina Gentile and Marcello di Paola
Sebastiano Maffettone - Debating Global Justice: an Introduction
Branko Milanovic - Global Income Inequality in Numbers: in History and Now
Michele Bocchiola - Milanovic on Global Inequality and Poverty
Pietro Reichlin - On Milanovic's Idea of World Inequality
Practitioner Commentaries
Rahul Bhonsle - Future Warfare: Men and Machines at War
Dr Norbert Röttgen - ‘Walking the Walk’: a Snapshot of Germany's Energiewende