The September 2021 issue of Global Policy includes research articles on, among others, global poverty commitments, liberal states' responses to COVID-19, UN peace operations and Chinese investment in Africa. There is also a special section entitled 'India-China Conflict and BRICS: Business as Usual?' edited by Raj Verma and Mihaela Papa and Policy Insights on the Quad, Taiwan’s response to COVID-19 and space debris. The issue concludes with a practitioner commentary on diplomacy's decline and adaptations during the pandemic.
Research Articles
The International Authority Database - Michael Zürn, Alexandros Tokhi and Martin Binder
Making It Rain? Comparing the Determinants of Chinese and Western FDI Flows to Africa - David Landry
Special Section India-China Conflict and BRICS: Business as Usual? edited by Raj Verma and Mihaela Papa
BRICS amidst India-China Rivalry - Raj Verma and Mihaela Papa
In Spite of the Spite: An Indian View of China and India in BRICS - Sreeram Chaulia
A Chinese Perspective: Will China-India Friction Paralyze the BRICS? - Haibin Niu and Sheng Hong
Fit for Purpose? BRICS and Inner-Group Conflicts - Malte Brosig
Scenarios for BRICS Evolution in Light of the India–China Conflict - Mihaela Papa and Raj Verma
Policy Insights
Practitioner Commentary
Release Date