The May 2020 issue of Global Policy has a special section on 'Enhancing Europe's Global Power' edited by Helmut Anheier, Christoph Abels, Iain Begg and Kevin Featherstone. Among other topics, the issue's research articles focus on the human extinction, the UN and urbanization, a global citizens' assembly, terrorism and China's role in development financing. There are also policy insights on a global biodiversity framework, trade, fiscal stability and investments.
Research Articles
Global Crisis Leadership for Disease‐Induced Threats: One Health and Urbanisation - John Connolly
Towards Global Cooperation: The Case for a Deliberative Global Citizens' Assembly - Michael Vlerick
Violence, Power and Meaning: The Moral Logic of Terrorism - Nicolas Johnston and Srinjoy Bose
Fool’s Gold: Business Power and the Evolution of the Conflict‐free Gold Standard - Ainsley Elbra
Policy Insights
Shaping the Fate of Life on Earth: The Post‐2020 Global Biodiversity Framework - Walter R. Erdelen
Special Section: Enhancing Europe's Global Power (Part II)
The Potential of Europe’s Sharp and Soft Power - Thomas Biersteker
Enhancing European Power - Terry McCarthy
Power versus Leadership? - Ann Fitz‐Gerald and Andrew S. Thompson
Practitioner Commentary
Jurisdictional Competition in the International Financial System - Edward Price
Review Essay
Shrouded in Secrecy: International Relations according to Carson, Berman and Lake - Jonas Ecke