The February 2020 issue of Global Policy has two special sections. The first edited by Martin Beck and Thomas Richter is entitled 'Fluctuating Regional (Dis‐)Order in the Middle East'. The second on 'Enhancing Europe’s Global Power' is edited by Helmut Anheier, Christoph Abels, Iain Begg and Kevin Featherstone'. Among others, the issue also has research articles on IMF-World Bank cooperation, the Bank's fragile states agenda and measuring the SDGs. The are policy insights on China and multilateralism, and South Asia's preparations for reaching health related SDGs.
Research Articles
IMF‐World Bank Cooperation Before and After the Global Financial Crisis - Matthias Kranke
Is the Patent System a Barrier to Inclusive Prosperity? The Biomedical Perspective - Helen Gubby
Measuring Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): An Inclusive Approach - Arman Bidarbakhtnia
Special Section: Fluctuating Regional (Dis‐)Order in the Middle East Edited by Martin Beck and Thomas Richter
US Foreign Policy in the Middle East: The Logic of Hegemonic Retreat - Sean Yom
New Petro‐aggression in the Middle East: Saudi Arabia in the Spotlight - Thomas Richter
Escalation in Failed Military Interventions: Saudi and Emirati Quagmires in Yemen - May Darwich
The Battle over Syria's Reconstruction - Raymond Hinnebusch
Practitioner Commentary
Special Section: Enhancing Europe’s Global Power Edited by Helmut Anheier, Christoph Abels, Iain Begg and Kevin Featherstone
Europe in the 21st Century: Powerful and Powerless - Kishore Mahbubani
Enhancing Europe’s Economic Global Power - Marco Buti
Strength in Contradiction: Europe as a Living Example for Peaceful Prosperity - Sahoko Kaji
Europe in a Turbulent World: Four Comments - Robert H. Wade
Enhancing Europe’s Global Power in Asia 2030 - Yee‐Kuang Heng
Policy Insights
Framework for a Single Global Repository of Child Abuse Materials - Kemal Veli Açar