The September 2019 issue of Global Policy has two special sections. The first on 'The Autonomisation of Weapons Systems' (Free Access) is edited by Ingvild Bode and Hendrik Huelss. The second, written entirely by practitioners and edited by Andreas Klasen, focuses on 'Strengthening Institutional Collaboration for Development and Economic Growth' (Open Access). The issue also has research articles on international trade and the legitimacy of global governance institutions, and a review essay on the history of human rights in the global south.
Research Articles
Special Section: The Autonomisation of Weapons Systems: Challenges to International Relations ‐ Edited by Ingvild Bode and Hendrik Huelss
Moving Beyond Semantics on Autonomous Weapons: Meaningful Human Control in Operation - Merel Ekelhof
Prohibiting Autonomous Weapons: Put Human Dignity First - Elvira Rosert and Frank Sauer
Survey Article
Policy Insights
Towards a Global Biodiversity Action Agenda - Philipp Pattberg, Oscar Widerberg and Marcel T. J. Kok
On the Perils of Structured Loans Financing in France and Italy - Chiara Oldani
Practitioners' Special Section: Strengthening Institutional Collaboration for Development and Economic Growth ‐ Edited by Andreas Klasen
Globalisation and the Recent Trade Wars: Linkages and Lessons - Benedict Oramah and Richman Dzene
Foreign Trade Finance: Requirements and Challenges in Times of Change - Edna Schöne
Will OECD Governments Avoid the Path Towards a New Credit War? - Mariane Søndergaard‐Jensen
How Close the Aid‐Community and ECA Universes Are - Ferdinand Schipfer
Public/Private Sector Collaboration Can Promote Trade Growth - Daniel Riordan
Review Essay
Rewriting the Past: The Global South in Human Rights History - Charlotte Steinorth