The contributions to this special issue highlight critical issues in the study of Resourcing International Organizations (IOs), including resource diversification, the complexity of related actor constellations, and organizational differentiation that goes hand in hand with resource diversification. The findings documented in the contributions reveal how IOs seek to obtain and allocate funds, and how resourcing-related concerns pervade their organizations. It also illustrates the value-added of an approach to the study of IOs that hones in on their administrations, their capacity for strategic action and their inter-connectedness, in short, an ‘administrative governance perspective’. The central message is that IO resourcing matters both practically and analytically.
Special Issue Articles
Stephen Browne - Vertical Funds: New Forms of Multilateralism
Bernhard Reinsberg -Trust Funds as a Lever of Influence at International Development Organizations
Katharina Michaelowa - Resourcing International Organisations: So What?