
Part Two: Systemic Agents
Usha Natarajan, American University in Cairo (Egypt), 'Governing Migration: Authority, Legitimacy, and Contestation in International Law'
Frédéric Mégret, McGill University (Canada), 'A Theory of Judicial Authority in International Criminal law: Convincing the Defendant'
Richard Collins, University College Dublin (Ireland), 'Constructing the Functional Authority of International Institutions'
Grogory Messanger, University of Liverpool (United Kingdom), 'The Basis of the WTO’s Authority: Between Power, Law, and Economics'
Fernando Lusa Bordin, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), 'The ICJ, the ILC and the makeshift authority to identify rules of customary international law'
Alice Panepinto, University of Warwick (United Kingdom), 'Does practice make perfect? The right to the truth’s performance in international law as an example of authority in emerging human rights'
Nicolas Perrone, University of Durham (United Kingdom), 'After colonialism: Looking at authority in international investment law through the lenses of Arendt and Honig'