Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

08 February 2018
With Kuala Lumpur’s congestion even disrupting the World Urban Forum, can the city turn the situation around and become a success story for improving transport systems? Irony?…
08 February 2018
The World Urban Forum 9 opens this week bringing together policy-makers, practitioners, private groups and the civil society to discuss the implementation of the New Urban Agenda…
08 February 2018
The Palgrave Handbook of the International Political Economy of Energy edited by Thijs Van de Graaf, Benjamin K. Sovacool, Arunabha Ghosh, Florian Kern and Michael T. Klare.…
07 February 2018
Given the difficulties associated with governments coming to an agreement on how to tackle climate change effectively, some observers have suggested the solution may come from…
06 February 2018
Amol Mehra and Camille Gervais encourage business to grab hold of their 'morality moment'.  For too long, maximizing profit has been the market's dominant narrative.…
02 February 2018
Zbigniew Dumienski and Nicholas Ross Smith argue that the seemingly unstoppable rise of cryptocurrencies could precipitate a shift in the taxations systems of developed states…
01 February 2018
Nayef Al-Rodhan explores the forces that shape states in the current connected and digital global climate. The international system is now more complex than it has ever been…
31 January 2018
Haisley Wert, MSc Development Management candidate, reflects on a recent public lecture from Alex de Waal, Executive Director of the World Peace Foundation and Research Professor…
31 January 2018
The largest single-day protest in US history was also the first mass social movement response to Trump’s election. And it was a women’s initiative. On 21 January 2017, Trump’s…
30 January 2018
Leif Wenar explores how oil is being stolen from the people it belongs to. Donald Trump tweeted something true recently. Responding to the protests in Iran, the US president …
29 January 2018
The Rohingya Crisis is an eerie reminder that there is still room for genocide in the world we live in today. According to the latest UN reports, approximately 370,000 Rohingya…
25 January 2018
Materialism gets a bad press. There is an assumption that people who prioritise “things” are inherently selfish. The stereotype is that of highly materialistic people, living in a…
23 January 2018
Yemen is suffering one of the world’s largest humanitarian catastrophes. To resolve it, it is necessary to look beyond the national conflict. Yemen’s civil war is complex. It’s a…
22 January 2018
The proclaimed support of the EU for gender equality is seen as one element in a wider programme of colonization, whereby what was once Marxism is now replaced by gender politics…