Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

18 May 2018
“The really fascinating battles in intellectual history tend to occur when some group or movement goes on the offensive and asserts that Something Big really doesn’t actually…
17 May 2018
Ecological collapse is hard to miss in the headlines. From deforestation to soil depletion, species extinction to climate change, the past few years have brought countless…
16 May 2018
Viewed from Palestine, it’s hard to disagree that we’ve perhaps seen one of the most inflammatory weeks in recent memory. In just a few days, several extremely sensitive events…
15 May 2018
Critical Elitism: Deliberation, Democracy, and the Problem of Expertise by Alfred Moore. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2017. 213 pp, £75 hardcover 9781107194526 Perhaps…
14 May 2018
Healing our relationship to finance is a pre-condition for building a grassroots-led investment fund that’s focused on wellbeing. I knew right then I was going to be schooled.…
11 May 2018
Four million lives could hang in the balance, but how Cape Town responds to her water crisis could set the example for cities around the world. Four million lives could hang in…
09 May 2018
The threat of a bad report card from the European Union has alarmed the more than 30,000 Vietnamese commercial traditional trawlers considered at risk of being deemed…
09 May 2018
Frontline Turkey: The Conflict at the Heart of the Middle East by Ezgi Basaran. London: I.B. Tauris, 2017. 224 pp, £17.99 hardcover 9781784538415 The title of most intractable…
08 May 2018
Islamic radical groups, such as the Islamic State, seem to have become the substitute for a failed regional order and failing domestic conditions. The Middle East and North Africa…
07 May 2018
International Workers' Day grew out of 19th century working-class struggles in the United States for better working conditions and the establishment of an eight-hour workday. May…
03 May 2018
The two hundredth anniversary of Karl Marx’s birth is giving rise to many conferences dedicated to numerous (and God knows there were many) aspects of Marx’s work and  …
02 May 2018
Why We Lie about Aid: Development and the Messy Politics of Change by Pablo Yanguas. Zed Books: London. 2018. Every so often you read something that brilliantly articulates an…