Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

09 June 2018
International Media Centre – G7 Charlevoix Summit. This year’s G7 Summit in Charlevoix had promised to be a thoroughly feminist affair, with gender equality, development and…
09 June 2018
International Media Centre – G7 Charlevoix Summit. The big topic of conversation among the journalists and policy analysts working round the clock at the G7 summit in Québec this…
08 June 2018
International Media Centre – G7 Charlevoix Summit. Protests have often featured prominently on the sidelines of major conferences. The intensive media coverage and its…
08 June 2018
International Media Centre – G7 Charlevoix Summit. With the recent decision taken by the Trump administration to impose steel and aluminium tariffs on its European and Canadian…
08 June 2018
International Media Centre – G7 Charlevoix Summit. When the first draft agendas of the G7 summit in Charlevoix made the rounds, Canada appeared dead set on making the problem of…
07 June 2018
International Media Centre – G7 Charlevoix Summit. It is testament to their commitment to the G7 process that since 1975 the overwhelming majority of leaders have sought to attend…
06 June 2018
We’re all aware of the gender imbalance in boardrooms, Hollywood studios and politics. But what about global peace talks? Only 4% of signatories to peace agreements between 1992…
06 June 2018
India’s global ambitions are intricately linked to its influence as a regional actor. While Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been busy deepening political and economic ties…
05 June 2018
In the digital world, any action we do generates data – whether browsing the internet, answering emails or messaging our friends. Translated into radio waves, this information can…
04 June 2018
This text represents a talk given by Pascal Lamy to the Association des Centraliens in Paris, on 24th April 2018. Although recent developments have challenged the…
01 June 2018