Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

20 July 2018
It’s entirely logical for narcissists to seek alliances with authoritarian leaders. After leaving allies rattled at the NATO Summit in Brussels and dodging mass protests in the UK…
19 July 2018
South Africa will host the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) group for the bloc’s 10th summit from July 25 to 27. South Africa’s inclusion in the group has…
18 July 2018
Labour markets are undergoing profound transformations. Automation is displacing workers in routine occupations, and as the application of digital technologies and artificial…
17 July 2018
Donald Trump’s visit to the UK will have concentrated the minds of MPs still coming to terms with Theresa May’s Chequers “agreement” and the cabinet walk-outs that followed. The…
16 July 2018
Beyond Gridlock by Thomas Hale, David Held et al. Cambridge: Polity 2017. 313 pp., £55 hardcover 9781509515714, £18.99 paperback 9781509515721, £18.99 Open eBook 9781509515752…
13 July 2018
Who holds the power in international politics? Most people would probably say it’s the largest states in the global system. The current landscape of international relations seems…
12 July 2018
The mining and metals industry is a critical component of the global economy. However, many operational and commercial practices remain inefficient and antiquated, leading to…
11 July 2018
Landis Mackellar reviews recent events in the European asylum crisis and provides a forward-looking view to the autumn.  He is pessimistic. Continental Europe is slipping…
10 July 2018
Against the backdrop of Salisbury’s beautiful cathedral, a new word recently gained global notoriety. But the three people who had the right to know most about Novichok, a nerve…
09 July 2018
Most technologies are dual use: take the case of digital technologies that are fundamentally transforming governance, markets and development for the better. Yet the malicious use…
09 July 2018
Brexiteers like Boris Johnson inhabit an outdated form of sovereignty. A new realm of power - regulation - demands shared authority and is the EU's greatest achievement. Britain…