Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

10 August 2018
Lukas Schlogl and Andy Sumner continue their special series of blogs on the future of economic development, work, and wages in developing countries. Here they look at the…
09 August 2018
Oxfam's Ed Cairns on how advocates of international humanitarian law have started getting excited about culture and norms. Do we need to get used to war? That’s the frightening…
08 August 2018
The space race between the USA and Russia started with a beep from the Sputnik satellite exactly 60 years ago (October 4, 1957) and ended with a handshake in space just 18 years…
06 August 2018
In a recent open letter on The Guardian Online, fifteen leading economists, argue that relying on randomised control trials to guide aid spending will lead to short-term,…
03 August 2018
Trade wars have an interesting way of revealing cultural stereotypes. Countries often propose tariffs not on the most valuable items in their trading relationships – since that…
02 August 2018
Branko Milanovic explores a recent paper that argues US market income inequality is generally greater than in other rich countries and that the American state …
01 August 2018
Rufus Pollock argues that the software, algorithms and protocols on which the tech giants run should be made open and free for anyone to use. Google’s recent record €4.3 billion…
01 August 2018
Astha Kapoor explores Rohingya refugees' fight for their entitlements and the story of their digital identity in India. The discussion of digital identity for refugees has been…
31 July 2018
The role of developing countries in the global economy via embeddedness in Global Value Chains (GVC) is increasing, but their ability to become innovation leaders is less certain…
26 July 2018
50.50 spent a fact-free weekend among anti-feminists at the International Conference on Men’s Issues, organised at an undisclosed location in London. Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs…
25 July 2018
Antonio Savoia and David Hulme explore what we know and what we should ask next about developmental convergence. Research on global development progress during the Millennium…
25 July 2018
All eyes are on Johannesburg for the 2018 BRICS summit, as the likes of Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Narendra Modi take their places at the table. It marks the tenth annual…
24 July 2018
Hsiao-Hung Pai introduces some of the arguments and insights from her latest book: Bordered Lives: How Europe Fails Refugees and Migrants, published on 18 January by New…
23 July 2018
This month brings the tenth summit of the fast-growing BRICs nations – Brazil, Russia, India, and China and South Africa. But does the label still hold given the countries'…