Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

01 November 2018
The Rise of Investor-State Arbitration: Politics, Law, and Unintended Consequences by Taylor St John. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. 304 pp., £60 hardcover 9780198789918…
01 November 2018
Observers have noted we are now in the midst of a “Fourth Industrial Revolution” whereby new digital technologies and big data both offer the potential to address longstanding…
31 October 2018
Richard Falk's lecture on 'World Order in the Age of Trump and Trumpism' at West Chester University, October 24, 2018. The title requires a few words of explanation. By the ‘Age…
31 October 2018
Ten years after the G20 held its first ever summit, the informal group is meeting for the first time in South America. But can the closely watched gathering calm tensions amid the…
30 October 2018
Seamus Garvey argues in favour of an innovative way to store renewable energy.  Electricity generated by fossil fuels is increasingly unsustainable and a shift towards renewable…
30 October 2018
Guy Ryder on why an aptitude for lifelong learning is needed to future-proof jobs markets.  The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2018 gives some cause for…
29 October 2018
“No somos peces para vivir del mar. No somos aves para vivir del aire. Somos hombres para vivir de la tierra » [We are not fish to love from the sea. We are not birds to live from…
25 October 2018
Stephen Hopgood argues that the survival and flourishing of human rights requires people. When considering the future of human rights and whether they will be viewed as more, or…
24 October 2018
    There has been an increase in competition in the global agricultural sector that causes distress among small scale farmers who are increasingly left behind in this process.…
24 October 2018
How we measure attention incentivises content that erodes our public sphere and polarises communities, including in the Global South. Could better metrics incentivise better…
23 October 2018
Keep your cyber tools close, your history books closer. For some, the signing of the July 2015 Iran nuclear deal might appear as a “watershed moment” for abating the flow of Iran’…
22 October 2018
Murilo Gaspardo frames Brazil's recent elections in the context of an ongoing worldwide challenge to political liberalism. The outcome of the October 7th Brazil’s elections…
17 October 2018
Yunnan Chen and Cinnamon Dornsife explore the prospects for the future of global economic governance. A decade after the global financial crisis that began in 2008, the search for…
16 October 2018
Grier Wilt outlines what is needed to assure girls can pursue careers in STEM.  At the turn of the decade, 20% of all jobs in the US required high-level knowledge in…