Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

30 November 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. Rarely do we talk about the environmental destruction that aeroplanes wage on the environment. This will not be easy to…
30 November 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. The philosopher Achille Mbembe asserted in late 2016 that the age of humanism is ending following the US and Europe’s descent…
30 November 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. Climate change is an issue every country wants to address - well, most countries. The landmark 2015 Paris Agreement saw an…
30 November 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. The economic crash in 2008 devastated the Spanish economy and left the country in a six-year long financial crisis. However,…
29 November 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. As we travel 7,000 miles to report on the G20 summit in Argentina, it is difficult not to get swept up in the sense of…
29 November 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. For Argentina, November began with baited breath. It was to be a month that would go down in history, hosting an event the…
29 November 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. The calendar of global summitry is at the same time static and flexible. The timing of some events – like the annual sessions…
29 November 2018
Carolina Costa on Bolsonaro's opportunity to restore investor confidence and Brazil’s positioning in global markets. Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro of the right-wing…
28 November 2018
Stable families, good jobs, strong schools, abundant and safe public spaces, and pride in local cultures and history – these are the essential elements of prosperous societies.…
27 November 2018
After World Forum for Democracy talks about creating safe spaces in cyberspace, we asked five delegates this difficult and pressing question. How to create safe spaces in…
26 November 2018
The impact of new technology on children and new forms of media is a constant area of concern among policy makers and educators (as well as among parents!) During US-based ‘…
26 November 2018
Our statistical tests indicate a clear BRIC-effect in markets for short-term portfolio equity investments, but not in markets for long-term foreign direct investments. The…
23 November 2018
Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming a critical component in how government, business and citizens defend themselves against cyber attacks. Starting with technology…
21 November 2018
Duncan Green on the potential of technology to revitalise trade unions.  The Economist never ceases to surprise and inform. This week’s issue carries an excellent special report …