Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

03 December 2018
With the Future of Work being one of the G20’s priorities of the Buenos Aires summit in 2018, this policy brief discusses this year’s African Union representative, Rwanda, and the…
03 December 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. As world leaders in well-cut suits exit planes wide-angle cameras focus their gaze. The stage is set, the script rehearsed,…
03 December 2018
Given the increased focus on gender equality at the G20 summit in Argentina, there is great potential for global leaders to discuss and interrogate policy in a way that truly…
03 December 2018
Both the future of work and gender equality have pride of place on the 2018 G20 summit agenda, giving the group a prime opportunity to address these previously neglected issues.…
03 December 2018
The global economy is in perhaps its most volatile state since the 2008 financial crisis. There are many factors behind this instability but growing concern regarding global trade…
02 December 2018
Despite lurching from crisis to crisis over the last decade, relations between China and Japan have recently improved as symbolised by Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s first state…
02 December 2018
The thirteenth G20 summit took place in Argentina in November/December 2018. It was only the second time (after Mexico 2012) it had been held in a developing country.…
02 December 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. Latin America is a region that has little weight at the G20 with only three of its twenty countries represented at the forum…
02 December 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. Lurking in the margins of every G20 Summit is the issue of fossil fuel subsidies. Year after year, leaders quietly repeated…
01 December 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. The grass is greener on this side, but doused in pesticide. That’s how it feels entering the International Media Centre (IMC…
01 December 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. The walk from the working rooms of the International Media Centre (IMC) to the (all important) restaurant area, is lined with…
30 November 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. The G20 summit comes to life during a boisterous week for Argentina, and Buenos Aires in particular. The locals couldn’t even…
30 November 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. On arrival in Buenos Aires to cover the G20 summit, it is impossible to miss the murals at regular intervals along the side…
30 November 2018
International Media Centre – G20 Buenos Aires Summit. In the last few years we have entered a new political era: the era of populism. From Hungary to the Philippines, from Poland…