Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

25 February 2019
This is the text of a speech delivered at the Cambridge Union in defense of the proposition: This house believes that British aid is not working. Ladies and gentlemen, it is vital…
22 February 2019
Supercomputers have the potential to turn us into superhumans. Our potential and power increase in lockstep with to the tools we have to serve us. The World Economic Forum’s…
21 February 2019
Climate politics are changing.  Beyond “politics as usual,” climate politics are becoming existential: climate-forcing and climate-vulnerable interests are both fighting for…
18 February 2019
Activists are increasingly targeting businesses – from oil companies to gun manufacturers – on the stock market. But can this strategy lead to lasting change? A surprising concern…
15 February 2019
Julie Louise Gerberding on the global lack of preparedness for epidemics.  Nipah virus, Lassa virus, Chikungunya virus, and MERS-CoV – these viruses are unfamiliar to most, yet…
14 February 2019
In the face of resurgent right-wing populism, the left’s relative weakness partly reflects the decline of unions and organized labor groups, which have historically formed the…
14 February 2019
The management of the EU budget and the role of the European Commission in the EU policy process have been key topics in debates over European integration in recent decades. …
13 February 2019
Leonie Westhoff introduces a new OxPolicy white paper paper “Jobs for the Future: Protecting the Labour Market in the Face of the AI Revolution”. Technological progress,…
12 February 2019
Gulcin Ozkan and Richard McManus explore the relationships between parliamentary systems and economic performance. Numerous amendments are being negotiated in the UK parliament in…
12 February 2019
Juergen Braunstein and Oliver McPherson-Smith examine the opportunities for Saudi Arabia. As American and Chinese trade representatives continue to discuss the two countries’…
07 February 2019
Not many of us would see a calculator as a threat to our jobs. Yet just as the development of these now ubiquitous tools disquieted some mathematicians, rapid advances in…
07 February 2019
It's easy to blame “Brussels bureaucrats” but national governments are often the biggest corporate lobbyists of all, a new report exposes today. Do you know why your phone bill is…