Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

24 April 2019
A key ambition of the Global Entrepreneurship Congress is to support the creation of a global entrepreneurial ecosystem. Cristian Gherhes, Chay Brooks and Tim Vorley discuss the…
24 April 2019
Koldo Casla and Peter Roderick call for the gap between the UK's international and domestic rights to be closed with a new law. Like many other countries, the UK has voluntarily…
23 April 2019
Jason Hickel argues that in an era of climate emergency and mass extinction, we don’t have time to speculate about imaginary possibilities. A number of high-profile…
18 April 2019
Entrepreneurs must make crucial decisions; however, these are often shaped through experiences of both success and failure. Will Szabo explores the valuable lessons that…
18 April 2019
Salifyanji Simwanza writes about the importance of encouraging the adoption of an entrepreneurial mindset and the thought-provoking questions on the barriers and opportunities for…
18 April 2019
It has been predicted that with a combination of growing population and dwindling resources, if we do not increase food production by 70% before 2050 humanity will face a food…
17 April 2019
Technology in the global entrepreneurial world, is it an inhibitor or a prohibitor? Syeda and Dominik explore this critical question which was raised and discussed at the Global…
17 April 2019
From communist rule to the world’s most digitally advanced country, Joseph Dunn explores the challenges facing Estonia in driving productivity. As the infamous hammer and sickle…
17 April 2019
On 15th April the 2019 Global Entrepreneurial Congress was kicked off with some thought-provoking questions. One key question was which groups are facing barriers to…
17 April 2019
Paul Reilly explores whether digital literacy is the solution to the information crisis engulfing democratic states. At the recent 10th World Summit on the Information Society, I…
16 April 2019
At the Global Entrepreneurship Congress 2019 in Bahrain, there is a question to be asked: to what extent is entrepreneurship ‘global’? Can the same concept and values of…
16 April 2019
As Bahrain attempts to diversify its economy it is continually looking towards the expansion and growth of SMEs. Lars Hoeylo Kjoellesdal reflects on Bahrain’s future SME policies…
16 April 2019
Myra Mufti, Romany Kisbee-Batho and Suay M. Ozkula reflect on how men’s perceptions and behaviours towards women continue to create barriers for a gender balance in the ICT sector…
16 April 2019
Pallav Das and Ashish Kothari explain the need for alternative visions to the dominant model of economic development in India, and beyond. Pallav and Ashish are two of the…