Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

11 June 2019
Mary Kaldor introduces the idea of 'civicness' and why its important in conflict-affected places. The Oxford English dictionary defines civicness as ‘relating to a city or town,…
11 June 2019
Emrys Schoemaker and Tom Kirk introduce Caribou Digital’s new project to develop an identity ecosystem mapping tool for use by development and civil society organizations. This…
10 June 2019
Presenting evidence from the Harbingers Study, a three-year longitudinal study of Early Career Researchers (ECRs), David Nicholas assesses the extent to which the new…
04 June 2019
The government's plan to move away from traditional methods of measuring growth and development are in keeping with a global push for a more purposeful capitalism. Prime Minister…
03 June 2019
In this conversation, hosted by the SSRC’s Media & Democracy program, program officer Mike Miller revisits an often overlooked topic—expectations and predictions for the…
31 May 2019
In collaboration with Karl-Andrew Woltin from Roehampton University and Kai Sassenberg from the University of Tübingen, Nihan Albayrak introduce a new paper on approaches to…
30 May 2019
James Dyke discusses his personal tipping point. Everybody seems to be talking about climate change again. This time, a great deal of the coverage has been sympathetic to the idea…
28 May 2019
Aliza Luft tackles a question essential for social science and for human rights work—how, and how much, does dehumanizing propaganda spread by planners of genocide affect the “…
22 May 2019
Duncan Green on what a recent MA course taught with Global Policy's Tom Kirk tells us about the future of activism.  I’ve spent the last three weeks buried in marking. For most…
21 May 2019
China in the Global Political Economy: From Developmental to Entrepreneurial by Gordon C.K. Cheung. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2018. 224 pp., £75 hardcover 978-1-78471-490-1. While…
21 May 2019
What if collective introspection made us into better campaigners? Campaigners aren’t known for being contemplative. By definition they are trying to change something beyond…
20 May 2019
Dimitris Xygalatas engages the problems of the generalizability and comparability of research results and their “ecological validity.” Xygalatas argues for the “methodological…
20 May 2019
Making data work for social good requires bolder approaches to managing government data as a critical public asset.  Data as a government asset What is the value of open data…
17 May 2019
We should look to the Nordic countries for inspiration on how to overcome the 1 percent and address climate change. According to the latest report from the United Nation…