Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

09 September 2019
Other worlds are possible - the Pluriverse is breathing. The current planetary crisis has taken on a civilizational dimension. Never before have so many crucial aspects of life…
06 September 2019
The success of populist parties is often viewed as an act of protest against ‘the establishment’. Drawing on new research, Bram Geurkink, Andrej Zaslove, Roderick Sluiter and …
05 September 2019
Sukhayl Niyazov examines the ambiguous implications of the dollar’s dominant status that forces Washington to choose between nationalist and globalist approaches to international…
04 September 2019
Duncan Green, Oxfam's Strategic Adviser, analyses recent responses to climate change activism and politics. Following on yesterday’s conversation with Matthew Lockwood, I was…
03 September 2019
Having a son turned me into a pacifist not because I was an idealist, but because motherhood made me a realist. Why are we raising our children in a culture saturated with…
30 August 2019
The Amazon, now on fire, has become the central political and geopolitical hot spot for humanity's right to its own future. Optimism is the gasoline that must feed the fight. …
29 August 2019
Andrew Baker and Richard Murphy introduce their recent Global Policy article on a new framework for identifying and evaluating tax spillovers generated by national policies. A…
28 August 2019
Elle Young reports on discussions at the  fourth annual Global Challenges Summit, including the role that the North East can play as a ‘global development powerhouse for…
23 August 2019
Over 100 organisations and academics sign a letter demanding a fair selection process for the next IMF managing director. To governors and executive directors of the IMF, The ‘…
23 August 2019
As the European Commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager has changed the political discussion on tax loopholes and tax havens, the time has come for the EU to get serious…
21 August 2019
Ian Lambert explores different options for re-using the plastic clogging the world's oceans. Beachcombing has long been a part of life for island communities. On the southwestern…
20 August 2019
The economic consequences of the UK leaving the European Union without a deal have received significant attention, but a no-deal Brexit would also have important security…
19 August 2019
In times of conflict with the US, China and Russia significantly step up ties in the defence sphere. Is a Sino-Russian alliance threatening the liberal world order? In September,…
15 August 2019
On average, humans slaughter over 70 billion animals for food every year. That’s 130,000 animals every minute. This scale is only possible because we’ve transformed animal…