Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

06 February 2024
We must transition to a brain-positive economy, a global goal to stop and reverse the loss of brain capital, which puts a premium on brain health and brain skills in accomplishing…
05 February 2024
Daniel Clausen engages three AI "research assistants" to help him look into his profession's new normal. Where does the machine end and the researcher begin? I say this as I…
01 February 2024
A selection of the latest Early View Articles from the journal.         RESEARCH ARTICLES Perceptions of social credit systems in Southeast Asia: An …
01 February 2024
In Quest of a Shared Planet: Negotiating Climate from the Global South by Naveeda Khan. New York: Fordham University Press, 2023. 227 pp., $90 hardcover 9781531502775, $24.95…
29 January 2024
Vali Stan, Lukas Linsi and Daniel Mügge use research on the US-China trade relationship to argue that states' newfound enthusiasm for protectionist policies will have to face the…
23 January 2024
Adam William Chalmers and Robyn Klingler-Vidra introduce new research charting the decline of Corporate America's wokeism since 2020. Many corporations have been keen to identify…
19 January 2024
Deborah Barros Leal Farias reminds us that not all foreign policy agendas are intentional. This January marks Point Four’s 75th anniversary. Its name refers to US President Truman…
11 January 2024
We’re seeing a monumental shift towards another new era, with trade and supply chains at the heart of these changes. With this heightened focus on resiliency, we’re witnessing…
10 January 2024
Duncan Green on the serendipitous element of how ideas get picked up. Now the LSE term is over, I’ve been catching up with the backlog of The Economist and Prospect (my two print…
08 January 2024
Tanya Filer examines the rise to prominence of technology “minilaterals”, and considers how their organisational design and governance can set them up for success. Tech…
04 January 2024
Regulating artificial intelligence has become a major challenge for policymakers. Laws recently adopted by the European Union are not enough. Pramuan Bunkanwanicha and…