Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

27 April 2020
COVID-19 has understandably dominated Global Policy's Opinion pages in recent weeks. The pandemic touches upon almost all of the platform's thematic areas and can be analysed with…
27 April 2020
Emilian Kavalski and Nicholas Ross Smith, from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, take the proposed introduction of immunity passports to remind of the…
23 April 2020
Before the breakout of the Pandemic, the global economy was treading between a debt crash and environmental collapse. Attempting to go back to ‘normal’ will most likely trigger…
22 April 2020
Bruno Oliveira Martins, Chantal Lavallée and Andrea Silkoset explore the opportunities and dangers of the embrace of drones to address challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic.…
21 April 2020
Ilona Kickbusch and Dario Piselli tentatively argue that COVID-19 is spurning organisational learning processes, effective political leadership, and new forms of cooperation…
18 April 2020
In all likelihood Chinese statistics on the pandemic’s spread are no worse – and no better -- than figures from Western democracies, suggest Roberto Aragão and Lukas Linsi. For…
16 April 2020
Anna Evans and Morgan Bazilian explain why the novel coronavirus outbreak in China disrupted the global solar panel supply chain, and how the virus’ increasing impacts will affect…
15 April 2020
Sasidaran Gopalan and Ramkishen Rajan discuss global fiscal stimulus responses to ease the economic meltdown due to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. With each passing day,…
15 April 2020
Several publications argue that the pandemic will reshape global order to China’s advantage. Julia Strasheim argues that recent dynamics in Nepal demonstrate some of the obstacles…
10 April 2020
The coronavirus crisis shows the consequences of the enormous contradiction under which seven billion human beings live now: a world globalized by technology and economy but…
10 April 2020
Navneet and Kamal highlight the shocking similarity of COVID-19 with a fictional pandemic exercise that was staged in New York, just a few months before the actual outbreak. The…
09 April 2020
Robyn Klingler-Vidra, Ba Linh Tran and Ida Uusikyla use emerging research from Viet Nam to argue that states are the 'ultimate convener and mobilizers' during pandemic responses.…