Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

01 May 2020
With the death toll from coronavirus mounting around the world, it appears to have claimed another important victim in the political arena: the idea of China and Russia as a…
30 April 2020
Bernard Hoekman, Matteo Fiorini, and Aydin Yildirim look at some of the counterproductive trade policy responses to COVID-19 pandemic and suggest ways to expand production of…
30 April 2020
The oil price crash has left Donald Trump’s always tattered Middle East policy in ruins with uncertain but worrisome potential consequences. “No one will thrive in the current…
29 April 2020
Amidst the many consequences it will leave in its wake, COVID-19 might reveal that global health governance should focus on systemic risk management, just as their peers in…
27 April 2020
COVID-19 has understandably dominated Global Policy's Opinion pages in recent weeks. The pandemic touches upon almost all of the platform's thematic areas and can be analysed with…
27 April 2020
Emilian Kavalski and Nicholas Ross Smith, from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, take the proposed introduction of immunity passports to remind of the…
23 April 2020
Before the breakout of the Pandemic, the global economy was treading between a debt crash and environmental collapse. Attempting to go back to ‘normal’ will most likely trigger…
22 April 2020
Bruno Oliveira Martins, Chantal Lavallée and Andrea Silkoset explore the opportunities and dangers of the embrace of drones to address challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic.…
21 April 2020
Ilona Kickbusch and Dario Piselli tentatively argue that COVID-19 is spurning organisational learning processes, effective political leadership, and new forms of cooperation…