Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

15 May 2020
Why we should emulate the US Air Force’s “integrated air defence” approach to move out of lockdown. The world is rapidly changing as a result of the worst pandemic since the…
13 May 2020
The combination of Covid-19 and the forthcoming US election is driving Sino-US relations to the point where a new ‘Cold War’ could be a best case scenario. “The relationship…
13 May 2020
The world economy is entering a deep economic recession, as massive lockdown efforts across the world have brought industry and services to a grinding halt. To support a rapid and…
13 May 2020
Jordy Lee and Morgan Bazilian explain why disruptions from COVID 19 can have larger implications for developing nations that are dependent on the mining industry. Without an overt…
12 May 2020
In the German city of Koblenz, 23 April 2020 saw the start of a trial at the Higher Regional Court that is attracting worldwide attention: two Syrians are accused of participating…
11 May 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has no parallel in living memory. The novelty of the virus itself is a massive medical challenge. But the pandemic is also a unique social problem for us…
11 May 2020
Sukhayl Niyazov argues that central banks have become impotent and their traditional macroeconomic tools are not working. Following the 2008 global financial crisis, the…
08 May 2020
Nayef Al-Rodhan overviews the pandemic's affects so far and offer recommendations for states and international organisations seeking to learn from the crisis. From the…
07 May 2020
As COVID19 rages across the world, it is renting asunder the global order. With the US in self-isolation, Europe on its knees and China discredited, the war on the virus is being…
05 May 2020
Laurissa Mühlich, Barbara Fritz, William N. Kring, and Kevin P. Gallagher call for an urgent upgrading of global institutions for short-term crisis finance. The ongoing COVID-19…
05 May 2020
The coronavirus pandemic is yet another case that demonstrates the limits of international collaboration in dealing with global challenges. A reform and strengthening of the UN…
05 May 2020
Border closures and travel restrictions were among the first measures most governments took to halt the Covid-19 pandemic. But now, getting the disease under control requires that…
04 May 2020
Ariel Colonomos explores the difficult choices facing states tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. Numbers Count Maybe there is no difference, ethically, between saving 10 thousand…