Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

08 July 2020
Luis Aguasvivas and Vaclav Masek argue that El Salvador and Brazil’s democracies are falling foul of autocratic agendas, and draw lessons for others keen to avoid similar fates.…
07 July 2020
Cities at War: Global Insecurity and Urban Resistance edited by Mary Kaldor and Saskia Sassen. New York: Columbia University Press, 2020. 264 pp., £74 hardcover 9780231185387, £25…
06 July 2020
Nick Bernards argues that the pandemic has exposed long-standing deep problems with the Fintech driven financial inclusion agenda.  ‘Financial inclusion’ has…
03 July 2020
Nafeez Ahmed calls for greater cooperation between the EU and palm oil producing countries. In an alarming recent report, the World Wildlife Fund found that one of the…
03 July 2020
The Dissent Channel: American Diplomacy in a Dishonest Age by Elizabeth Shackelford. New York: Public Affairs 2020. 304 pp., $29 hardcover 9781541724488, $17.99 e-book…
02 July 2020
Andi Hoxhaj argues that the UK must tackle domestic corruption whilst fostering international cooperation to address transnational crime after Brexit.  The negotiations on the…
02 July 2020
Jon Jiang argues that China's recent moves against Australia should be viewed through the frame of 'tianxia' - an ancient Chinese term for global order. The…
01 July 2020
Emilian Kavalski suggests that China’s lodestone appears to be losing its appeal in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe; thus, while a year ago many were convinced that…
30 June 2020
I recently skyped Deepak Nayyar, Professor of Economics at India’s Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) to discuss his new book, Resurgent Asia. Podcast below. You start with an…
26 June 2020
Shmona Simpson argues that to truly stand in solidarity with #BLM, the development sector must work towards its own irrelevance. After four weeks of global Black Lives Matter…
25 June 2020
Sam Pryke examines the view that the Covid19 pandemic is further weakening globalisation and finds that this is not the case.  In some respects, it is extending it.…
24 June 2020
As societies develop plans for revitalizing economies and protecting citizens from further pandemics, Wiley's Samantha Green spoke with a biologist - Marc…
24 June 2020
The Kurds of Northern Syria: Governance, Diversity and Conflicts by Harriet Allsopp and Wladimir Van Wilgenburg. London and New York: I.B. Tauris 2019. 264 pp., £75 hardcover 978-…