Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

06 January 2021
Koldo Casla reflects on a year dominated by the pandemic and why we still can't be sure what its final outcomes may be. In March 2020, days after the World Health Organization…
06 January 2021
Azer Babayev explores the role the international community can play in ensuring the current fragile peace lasts. The recent military flair up of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was…
06 January 2021
Refusal to allow a Hungarian official to enter Ukraine stoked political tensions which were already riding high. But what are the repercussions for Ukraine’s cooperation with the…
05 January 2021
These institutions were designed with colonial principles in mind, and they remain largely colonial in character to this day. Most people assume that inequality between the global…
04 January 2021
UK print media coverage of immigration is noted for its hostility and divisiveness. From the cliché that migrants heap unsustainable pressure on public services, to the depiction…
22 December 2020
The overwhelming prioritization of vaccines takes attention and resources away from the complex political, social and infrastructural investments that underlie a resilient public…
17 December 2020
The Media Manifesto by Natalie Fenton, Des Freedman, Justin Schlosberg and Lina Dencik. Cambridge: Polity, 2020. 142 pp., £35 hardcover 9781509538058, £9.99 paperback…
15 December 2020
This blog is based on a new free to access paper published in the forthcoming special issue of Global Policy, edited by C2G. To access the full article, click…
15 December 2020
James D. Wolfensohn, who served as World Bank president from 1995 to 2005, died on 25th November, 2020 at 86. Born in 1933 in Sydney, Australia, Wolfensohn settled in…
11 December 2020
Quagmire in Civil War by Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020. 340 pp., £74.99 hardcover 9781108486767, £24.99 paperback 9781108708265, $26 e-book…
10 December 2020
Jessica DiCarlo and Seth Schindler examine the Act that will accelerate America's economic confrontation with China.  US-China relations began to fray in the wake of the 2008…
09 December 2020
Eugénia C. Heldt lays out a strategy for the EU to reassert the West’s leadership of global health governance. China is exploiting the spread of coronavirus across the globe to…