Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

25 November 2020
Tristan Kenderdine argues that during a period of global change, institutional theory can help make sense of the chaos. How institutions persist, change and ultimately…
24 November 2020
Sam Nadel, Oxfam’s Head of Policy and Advocacy, reflects on a bad week for the UK. Cast your mind back to December 2016. Boris Johnson, then UK Foreign Secretary, is speaking…
23 November 2020
Reda Cherif, Fuad Hasanov and Min Zhu introduce a recent IMF paper that argues mass testing infrastructure offers a viable way out of COVID-19 and protection against future…
19 November 2020
Thomas Moynihan explores extreme solutions to humanities' tendency to threaten others.  At a time when humans are threatening the extinction of so many other species, it…
17 November 2020
While a degree of calm has returned to the Nagorno-Karabakh region, the prospect for a comprehensive peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan remains slim. Therefore, the…
16 November 2020
Nathanial Matthews, Karen Sack and Chip Cunliffe call for multilateral collaboration and innovation to save ocean ecosystems. Ocean-derived risks are multiplying. Investing in…
13 November 2020
The Northern Irish politician John Hume, who was a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1998, died in August this year. Giada Lagana explains how Hume used the…
12 November 2020
Several states have declared that the Arctic is their shared responsibility at a time when global warming changes the Arctic landscape and attracts the interests of states and…
11 November 2020
Duncan summarises the findings of new research into developing countries that have managed to reduce income inequality.  The wheels of academia grind slowly, but eventually grind…
10 November 2020
Amjed Rasheed and Juline Beaujouan analyse the recent attacks in Europe in the light of a three-year-research on region–state–religion triangle in MENA. Europe is reeling from the…
09 November 2020
The immense plight of Azerbaijan’s internally displaced persons (IDPs) must be recognized and tackled for long-term peace. Following OSCE-mediated talks between foreign ministers…
06 November 2020
Shreya Bhattacharya explores the enduring challenges to charter cities projects. In 2009, Nobel Prize laureate and former Chief Economist of the World Bank Paul Romer …
04 November 2020
Christian van Nieuwerburgh with some useful advice for those of us about to re-enter lockdown. Already experiencing pandemic fatigue, many of us feel ill-prepared for another…