Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

19 July 2021
Chiara Oldani describes the challenges of the 2021 Italian presidency of the G20 following the pandemic year. The year 2021 started under very bright auspices, especially for…
16 July 2021
As countries closed their borders and quarrelled over vaccines, some thought there was little role for international organisations. Yet, say Maria J Debre (University of…
15 July 2021
This interview was conducted by the Global Governance Futures – Robert Bosch Foundation Multilateral Dialogues, which brings together young professionals to look ahead 15 years…
05 July 2021
The Green New Deal is the boldest and most likely the most effective way to combat the climate emergency. According to its advocates, the Green New Deal will save the planet while…
02 July 2021
Sanjay Ruparelia argues Western countries need to resist myopic understanding of political accountability and sovereign responsibility to live up to their vaccine sharing rhetoric…
25 June 2021
In this open letter, International Development Guest Lecturer, Dr Stephanie Levy encourages current students to explore opportunities available around them where they can put…
24 June 2021
Here’s a wrap-up piece on what I’ve learned about ‘research for impact’ from a series of interviews on the real-world influence of researchers at the LSE Centre for Public…
21 June 2021
Teferi Mergo explores claims of state sovereignty by a regime increasingly embattled at home and abroad. The recent announcement by the United States government that it is…
18 June 2021
Ernest Hemingway famously said that writers should “write hard and clear about what hurts”. Although Hemingway may not have known it at the time, research has now shown that…
17 June 2021
Amine Bennis examines the opportunity for a European response to China’s Belt and Road Initiative in the Middle East and North Africa. In a recent speech, US President Joe Biden…
17 June 2021
Duncan Green with a useful summary of Civivus' latest report on the state of global civil society.  Civicus publishes its annual ‘State of Civil Society Report’ today. It’s great…