Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

18 February 2022
Powerful arguments for why concerted action from governments and donor organisations to support locally-based researchers is essential. The international community has long…
17 February 2022
Festina lente—“make haste slowly”—expresses the idea that doing something right the first time saves time. A favorite motto of Roman emperor Augustus Caesar, this…
14 February 2022
In October 2021, Rwanda announced that it will house a vaccine manufacturing plant using the mRNA technology of the German start-up BioNTech, which co-developed the Pfizer COVID-…
10 February 2022
Seemingly sensible proposals to Kyiv to partially satisfy Moscow’s demands in Eastern Ukraine are counterproductive. They ignore the record of compromising with Russian revanchism…
09 February 2022
This is the fourth of a four-part Global Policy blog series that seeks to spark new ways of thinking about digitally-mediated activism. It engages Timms and Heimans’ New/Old Power…
08 February 2022
How can we teach the next generation to read the news well? For educators, this simple question can be deceptively difficult. Do we want our students to be skeptical of everything…
07 February 2022
The ever-deepening relationship between China and Russia has played a significant role in the current crisis in Ukraine. Many in the West see a connection between Russian…
01 February 2022
Researchers in the global North often make assumptions about the motivations and abilities of local research collaborators in the global South. Not only are these assumptions…
31 January 2022
It’s a common argument among climate deniers: scientific models cannot predict the future, so why should we trust them to tell us how the climate will change? This trope recently…
28 January 2022
Duncan Green explores Oxfam's annual Davos report: The Inequality Virus. I know this is the week of Blue Monday, when we are all supposed to feel at our most miserable, but I’m…