Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

05 May 2022
Andreas Antoniades and Stefanie Ortmann remind us that Russia’s war in Ukraine has set in motion broader systemic dynamics that the world will need answers for regardless of…
04 May 2022
This is part of in a new collection of commentaries from the Emerging Global Governance (EGG) Project on the New Development Bank's evolution. Browse…
04 May 2022
Dave Anderson explains that Putin’s thinking regarding nuclear weapons cannot be understood through the lens of Western rationality.  World War III, though irrational to the…
03 May 2022
Daniel Clausen explores the historical legacies that inform modern city diplomacy.  When people think of diplomacy today, they often think of formal negotiations between…
28 April 2022
Sarosh Bana agues that while the Modi government is unhesitant in acting against its own people, it appears powerless in confronting external threats and aggression. The…
28 April 2022
Nearly two months into the war in Ukraine, and peace is nowhere in sight. In fact, the level of destruction has intensified and both sides seem to have little hope for a peaceful…
25 April 2022
This is the second in a new collection of commentaries from the Emerging Global Governance (EGG) Project on the New Development Bank's evolution. Browse the series here. Gregory T…
22 April 2022
Duncan Green looks at figures that reveal the damage done to the UK Aid programming. I’ve been catching up on the news after a week away in Amman running the first pilot training…
21 April 2022
Rodrigo Mena and Kristin Bergtora Sandvik examine the use of technology in Ukraine for humanitarian purposes, focusing on the use of Telegram and cryptocurrencies, seeking to…
14 April 2022
This is the first in a new collection of commentaries from the Emerging Global Governance (EGG) Project on the New Development Bank's evolution. Read an introduction to the series…
14 April 2022
Gregory T. Chin, Co-Director of the Emerging Global Governance (EGG) Project, introduces a collection of commentaries on the New Development Bank's evolution.…
13 April 2022
John Wagner Givens provides an alternative perspective to fears that China is watching Russia's actions in Ukraine with a view Taiwan's future. Since Russia’s brazen and…