Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

17 October 2022
Dante showed us the pathway out of the Ukraine war. Dante anticipated both federalism and democracy. And Dante showed us how someday humanity might abolish war. It’s difficult to…
14 October 2022
Despite its global clout, the American technology sector is moving from Silicon Valley and innovation to Pentagon and geopolitics. Weaponization rules. Since the postwar era,…
13 October 2022
Grant W. Turner argues that the West needs a joined-up and just strategy to engage Africa or it risks losing influence to other powers fast making allies on…
11 October 2022
Rod Thornton one recent developments in Ukraine and the calculated use of alarmist language by Biden. The world is now witness to a new phase in the Ukraine war. The attack…
07 October 2022
In qualitative research building a rapport and friendships with participants is often presented as a means to gain access and data from research participants. However, as …
06 October 2022
Duncan Green reports on lessons learned from delivering an 'influencing' training course for senior leaders in the aid sector. Well that was intense. We’ve just come to the end of…
04 October 2022
Juliet Parker, Director of ALNAP (the Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in humanitarian action), summarizes its new State of the…
28 September 2022
Learning to Do Research: It Starts at a Party! In the early stages of a research project, is it better to formalize your research methods or to stay informal and exploratory? How…
26 September 2022
From Big Oil to Big Green: Holding the Oil Industry to Account for the Climate Crisis by Marco Grasso. Cambridge MA and London: MIT Press 2022. 368 pp., $40 paperback…
23 September 2022
Chris Hobson argues that without a heavy reliance on technology, there truly isn’t a viable way forward for healthcare. As the US healthcare system creaked under the strain of the…
22 September 2022
A number of pseudo-academic tendencies in Russian social science helped prepare the Ukraine War. In addition to propaganda and disinformation campaigns by the Kremlin, an…
21 September 2022
Duncan Green on an issue all too common yet often undiscussed.   Imposter Syndrome – doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. (Almost) everyone has it, even old lags like…
14 September 2022
AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future by Kai-Fu Lee and Chen Qiufan. London: WH Allen 2021. 480 pp., £14.99 paperback 9780753559017, £9.99 e-book 9780753559031 Discussions of…