Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

07 December 2022
With the ‘summit season’ drawing to a close, what is the point, and value of, global summitry? Having just attended the COP27 and G20 summits, Isabelle Zhu-Maguire and Tom Chodor…
06 December 2022
Danika Hotham reflects on her experience of COP27 and why, despite its many flaws, civil society must continue to make the annual journey to the summit. The Conference Upon…
05 December 2022
We live in an age of political turbulence amid uncertainty about pending disasters. Whether dealing with fragile public finances, pandemic risk, or ecological collapse, humanity…
01 December 2022
Henry Kwan argues that a global standardisation of Covid-19 measures is sorely needed. Currently, national policies in many countries take a hands-off or delegatory…
30 November 2022
After a tough 2022, China seeks to move toward recovery in 2023, amid stagnation in the US and deep recession in the Eurozone. Battered by domestic challenges and disruptive…
29 November 2022
Florian Weigand introduces his new book Waiting for Dignity: Legitimacy and Authority in Afghanistan (Columbia University Press, 2022), looking at how legitimacy is built and lost…
23 November 2022
Robyn Klingler-Vidra, Alex Glennie, and Courtney Savie Lawrence argue that COP27 shows that a more inclusive approach to innovation is needed. COP27 closed with a…
21 November 2022
Not so long ago, Australia was known for its booming economy and balanced foreign policy. Today its economy is stagnating, while the US Big Defense casts a dark shadow over its…
18 November 2022
Finance for Loss and Damage came onto the negotiating agenda at COP27 in Egypt – climate researcher Lily Salloum Lindegaard argues that this has only made the delay tactics by…
18 November 2022
Maha Azzam argues that developed countries' quest to decarbonise puts the welfare of others' citizens and societies above notions of human rights or democracy. COP…
17 November 2022
The 17th Group of 20 (G20) Heads of State and Government Summit is currently taking place. Tom Chodor, reporting from Bali, argues that with  little prospect…
15 November 2022
The 17th Group of 20 (G20) Heads of State and Government Summit is currently taking place. Tom Chodor, reporting from Bali, argues that with  little prospect for major…