Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

14 September 2016
After the recent statement by the German Minister of the Interior about the need to resume the transfer of asylum seekers to Greece under the Dublin Regulation, Solon Ardittis…
13 September 2016
Strangers in Our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration by David Miller. Harvard University Press. 2016. 0674088905 In Strangers in Our Midst: The Political Philosophy of…
12 September 2016
Washington's move to limit proliferation of armed drones is part of its search for a sharper military-technological edge. The United States sent a senior official to the Arms…
09 September 2016
Surveillance is woven into our everyday lives. While this in itself is not new, what we experience today differs in scale from, say, covert surveillance photos of suffragettes,…
08 September 2016
Dani Rodrik argues that the goal of global governance embodies a yearning for technocratic solutions that override and undercut public deliberation. Global governance is the…
08 September 2016
Climate and environmental impacts are ravaging our planet, and women and marginalized groups are among those most affected.   “We must resist in the different ways that…
07 September 2016
Thomas Carothers of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace introduces his newly released report, Navigating International Aid in Transitions:  A Guide for Recipients…
07 September 2016
Simeon Djankov argues that the access that London has to European money is based on proximity and historic relationships, not on being part of the EU. Following the Brexit vote,…
05 September 2016
International Media Centre – G20 Hangzhou Summit. Earlier this year Britain held a referendum on its EU membership, and voted to leave the European Union, though the…
05 September 2016
Lant Pritchett comments on the ongoing process to choose the Bank’s next president. Last week the World Bank announced the process for choosing the next president of the…
04 September 2016
International Media Centre – G20 Hangzhou Summit. When something becomes a usual feature we tend to refer to it as a ‘staple.’ In common language we speak about…
04 September 2016
International Media Centre – G20 Hangzhou Summit. China’s hosting of the G20 Leaders’ Summit this year signals a new era of Chinese engagement with global…
04 September 2016
International Media Centre – G20 Hangzhou Summit. China hopes to champion cooperation between the private sector and global leaders in boosting economic growth. Nowhere is…