Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

15 November 2016
Tom Sauer argues for a world order based on collective security instead of collective defense organizations (or alliances). The newly elected president in the US does not like…
14 November 2016
The Hidden Wealth of Nations: The Scourge of Tax Havens. Gabriel Zucman. University of Chicago Press, 2015. Tax havens are low-tax jurisdictions that provide individuals and…
14 November 2016
Yanis Varoufakis argues that Trump's victory could be seen as a critical juncture with progressive potiential. The election of Donald Trump symbolises the demise of a…
11 November 2016
Robert Saunders explores the UN’s controversial decision to promote Wonder Woman to the level of ambassador. Back in 2009, Barack Obama’s smiling visage graced the…
10 November 2016
In the wake of President Elect Donald Trump's victory, David Held and Kyle McNally reflect on what this may mean for the liberal world order. Donald Trump’s electoral…
10 November 2016
As the final votes are counted, pundits and pollsters sit stunned as Donald J. Trump gets set to enter the White House. For anyone in Britain, there is a sharp tang of déjà vu in…
09 November 2016
From Brexit to the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, it has become common to speak of citizens turning against globalisation. But does popular opposition to globalisation…
09 November 2016
12 things we can't ignore as America votes (post written before the election). 1. There should be a plural term for violences. This would let us talk about how to choose…
08 November 2016
A panel of experts on trade, development and health has warned that a new generation of trade and investment agreements threatens the future of health, and ‘requires a broad…
08 November 2016
Dani Rodrik argues that justified calls for a fairer international trade system must not be allowed to fuel popularist politics. “One of the crucial challenges” of…
07 November 2016
Preety Bhogal examines recent trends in foreign aid by India to South Asian economies, with special focus on ‘aid for trade’ program in South Asia. The article…
07 November 2016
For the past decades the international trade community has been struggling with a word that less and less countries are ready to hear: multilateralism – or the idea that…
04 November 2016
In the current climate of global uncertainty, Latin America is in fact sitting on a wealth of opportunity. This opportunity can be realised through the coming together of two…