Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

13 January 2017
How does received knowledge vis-a-vis our financial system emerge and change? Here, Michael Lee explores how ideas about the economy have come into existence and gained acceptance…
12 January 2017
"The Chinese economy is undergoing unprecedented and profound changes." To open up or to close? To advance or go back? The global economy is currently at the crossroads…
11 January 2017
Zygmunt understood the crisis of a social democracy built on solid jobs, fixed identities and bounded within nation states, and paved the way for thinking about the need for…
11 January 2017
The Jungle in Calais is closed and the deal with Turkey is in place. Is the refugee crisis over? Not at all. The refugee crisis is first and foremost about refugees, not about…
10 January 2017
Green Growth: Ideology, Political Economy and the Alternatives. Gareth Dale, Manu V. Mathai and Jose Puppim de Oliveira (eds). Zed Books. 2016. While there is broad consensus on…
09 January 2017
Over the last week the ever more shrill criticism of international aid found a new target - the practice of giving money directly to some of the poorest and most vulnerable people…
09 January 2017
Are Donald Trump's selections for his cabinet and other top administration positions indicative of a man who is ready to "drain the swamp?" Is the president-elect…
06 January 2017
Trump's presidential victory exposed to the whole world the flawed nature of the US model of democracy. Beginning January 20, both the country and the world will have to face…
04 January 2017
Daniel Clausen calls for a ‘challenge’ and experiential based approach to teaching international relations. In my experience, the best students are always looking for…
03 January 2017
"We live in ominously dangerous times" stated the opening line of an article by C.J. Polychroniou (with Lily Sage) titled "A New Economic System for a World in…
22 December 2016
With the recent election of António Guterres as the next United Nations Secretary-General, the focus will soon shift to the next Secretary-General’s reform priorities, with…
22 December 2016
Quality Peace: Peacebuilding, Victory, and World Order by Peter Wallensteen. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. 250 pp, £64 hardcover 978-0-19-021554-5,…
20 December 2016
Often, things that are seen as a problem in society are not: the house where locals and refugees live and work together. In a mixed and energetic district of south Berlin lies a…