Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

06 July 2017
The following piece was written by members of the GLI team at the G20 Hamburg Summit. Please check here regularly for all their blogs and opinion papers from the summit…
06 July 2017
The following piece was written by members of the GLI team at the G20 Hamburg Summit. Please check here regularly for all their blogs and opinion papers from the summit…
06 July 2017
The following piece was written by members of the GLI team at the G20 Hamburg Summit. Please check here regularly for all their blogs and opinion papers from the summit…
06 July 2017
The following piece was written by members of the GLI team at the G20 Hamburg Summit. Please check here regularly for all their blogs and opinion papers from the summit…
05 July 2017
Natalie Welden on the need to understand the environmental impact of fast fashion and short-term clothing. After decades of intense observation and campaigning by…
05 July 2017
On Steve Baker's corporate interests and Brexit negotiations as shock doctrine. As I crawled through our new Brexit minister’s asbestos-lined maze of corporate…
04 July 2017
Branko Milanovic explores some of our assumptions around the causes of civil wars. Twenty years ago Alberto Alesina and Enrico Spolaore published a much quoted article entitled…
03 July 2017
Sulav Saha explores how different cultures approach risk. Growing up in Australia as part of a minority made me aware of certain family traits that were different to social norms…
29 June 2017
The unexpected, spontaneous and pleasantly disruptive nature of collective celebration is one of the great equalisers of social and political struggle. When you hear the words…
28 June 2017
William H. Saito argues nature may be a role model for efforts for those addressing cyber security challenges. In the last few weeks, I’ve attended more than my usual number…
27 June 2017
Michael McQuarrie explores the dangers for sociologists in today's turbulent times. Sociology has a Trump problem. And a Brexit problem. And a Populism problem. And a white…