Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

31 July 2017
Ewa Atanassow asks how can we deal with the rise of the term ‘illiberal democracy’? This May 8 in Berlin - a date and place whose symbolism cannot be mistaken - the…
28 July 2017
‘White trash,’ ‘dumbass libtard,’ ‘right-wing fuckhead:’ have we all gone mad? Q: “Why are you such a dumbass? A: Why are morons like you…
28 July 2017
Kishore Mahbubani explores the prospects of a joint Chinese-Indian defence of globalisation. The biggest contradiction in global governance can be described succinctly. We live in…
27 July 2017
Ben Murray explores some of the obvious, and not-so-obvious connections between horror cinema and economics. Horror. Love it or hate it, horror has been with us for pretty much as…
24 July 2017
In this introspective piece, Richard Falk explores why so many in his social cricle missed the worldwide rise of a counter-globalization movement and the return of the nationstate…
24 July 2017
In response to Turkey's decision to block visits of German parliamentarians, Bundeswehr troops are about to pull out from the Turkish air base in Incirlik in July. But will…
21 July 2017
Branko Milanovic argues that calls for international organisations to de-emphasize growth should be approached with caution. Today, I got into a bit of a Twitter spat with Kate…
21 July 2017
The arrival of China as an increasingly significant setter of global standards may be uncomfortable for India but is near-inevitable and needs to be planned for. About six weeks…
20 July 2017
Danny Quah turns to economic reasoning to explore fears of the changing world order. There is, of course, an obvious answer to the question, “Who’s afraid of a…
20 July 2017
 Richard Falk explores how recent waves of populist nationalism have affected the UN. A Point of DepartureWhen Donald Trump withdrew American participation from the…
19 July 2017
Euroscepticism – defined as outright or defined opposition to the European project – is becoming a mainstream, contested phenomenon, writes Simona Guerra. The EU has…
18 July 2017
Patricia Reaney explores the World Happiness Report 2017. Norway displaced Denmark as the world's happiest country in a new report released on Monday that called on nations to…
18 July 2017
The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe by Joseph E. Stiglitz. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2016. 416 pp, $28.95 / £13.99 hardcover 978-0-393-…