Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

25 October 2017
Civil society must keep the dialogue over migration open, to retain relevance and to survive. The so-called European migration crisis and the populist political backlash that…
25 October 2017
US President Donald Trump recently criticised the EU for being protectionist, and several political figures in the UK have suggested that Brexit will allow the country to remove…
24 October 2017
As Xi Jinping takes up a second 5-year term, Jinghan Zeng explores his plans to make his nation great again. In 1793, in his letter to Britain’s King George III, China…
24 October 2017
This is the first part of a wide-ranging interview with world-renowned public intellectuals Noam Chomsky and Robert Pollin. Not long after taking office, it became evident that…
19 October 2017
Deepening interdependence, due in part to the success of the postwar order, has created structural gridlock in world politics and contributed to an anti-global backlash across the…
18 October 2017
The Contradictions of Capital in the Twenty-First Century: The Piketty Opportunity. Pat Hudson and Keith Tribe (eds). Columbia University Press. 2017.  In The Contradictions…
17 October 2017
The Catalan crisis has caught Europe by surprise. Some in Madrid may also have been unprepared. Yet most Catalans – regardless of their views on independence – were…
17 October 2017
Mark Nance argues that Europe can be an effective champion of a liberal world order, but only if it  ensures that European integration yields a more social political economy…
16 October 2017
In the wake of recent events, Nikolaos Karagiannis and C.J. Polychroniou explore what can be done to build the Caribbean’s future resilience to hurricanes.  Hurricanes…
13 October 2017
Branko Milanovic explores the ideal of a world “without injustice of birth”. A friend sent me this interesting but slightly odd (I have to say so at the outset)…
12 October 2017
Martin Chungong introduces a campaign to protect democracies' institutions. Democracy today is widely seen as under siege. We acknowledge this, but a distinction should be…
11 October 2017
In Crisis and Sustainability: The Delusion of Free Markets, Alessandro Vercelli argues that the concepts of freedom which underpin neoliberal economics are at odds with those…
10 October 2017
Herman T. Saltonon on the art of teaching international relations in a globalized world. “Professor, you are biased.” This comment—made by one of my students in…
09 October 2017
Fumiya Iida explores how close we are to the film's robotic vision. The new Blade Runner sequel will return us to a world where sophisticated androids made with organic…