Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

29 September 2017
The world’s population is ageing. Improvements in healthcare in the past century have meant people are living longer, but this has also resulted in an increase in the number…
28 September 2017
Democracy worldwide faces deep challenges. But good ideas can help overcome them. Is democracy the only kind of political system that can deliver on prosperity and stability? This…
28 September 2017
Exploring the EU’s Legitimacy Crisis: The Dark Heart of Europe by Christian Schweiger. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (New Horizons in European Politics series) 2016. 296 pp…
26 September 2017
Davan Yahya Khalil explores what a yes vote might mean for Kurdistan and its neighbours. Kurdistan’s referendum may seem like a foregone conclusion, but with so much at…
26 September 2017
The Greek 'economic success' story advanced by Tsipras et al would have been funny if it wasn't such a serious matter. Ten years ago, the implosion of Lehman Brothers…
25 September 2017
Andrew Campbell examines the latest Brexit developments through Machiavelli. The choice of Santa Maria Novella in Florence as the location for Theresa May’s second set-…
22 September 2017
Digital, Political, Radical by Natalie Fenton. Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity, 2016. 232 pp, £55 hardcover 978-0-7456-5086-9, £16.99 paperback 978-0-7456-5087-6,…
21 September 2017
It has become increasingly clear that prevailing academic incentive structures have a potentially damaging and distorting effect on the nature of academic debates. Portia…
20 September 2017
Branko Milanovic with a note on nostalgia. In almost all recent literature that analyzes Br-exit and Trump-entry, there is a constant theme of a fall from the heady days at…
20 September 2017
It’s easier to turn technology in the direction of democracy and social justice when it’s developed with social and emotional intelligence.  Can we use the…
15 September 2017
A performance featured during the summer at the Manchester International Festival attempted to tackle the following timeless question: if women ruled the world, would they…
13 September 2017
A growing number of policymakers, researchers and funding bodies have gotten excited about transformative research on Africa. Transformative research, they claim, may support…