Tom Kirk

Tom is GP's Online Editor and researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Post Archive

13 November 2017
Simon Wilde explores recent moves by large global banks to tackle climate change.  Banking giant HSBC has pledged US$100 billion (£76 billion) to “fight…
13 November 2017
Any successful attempt to prevent the real social media pathologies – such as extremist, abusive and hateful behavior online – must be multi-faceted, thoughtful,…
10 November 2017
Populist shocks in the UK and US threaten the multilateral order on which the EU depends. What lies behind these earthquakes, and what does it mean for Europe? Withdrawing from…
09 November 2017
Branko Milanovic comments on how dining alone can be a retreat from our hyper competitive world. After living mostly by myself in New York for four years and having had dinner…
09 November 2017
The crisis of contemporary democracy has become a major subject of political science in recent years. Despite this, the symptoms of this crisis – the vote for…
08 November 2017
The posturing of US President Donald Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un give rise to a terrifying realisation: that we are moving closer to a nuclear war. The recognition…
07 November 2017
Alvin Toffler predicted a future in his 1970 bestseller Future Shock that looks much like today’s reality. He anticipated the rise of the internet, the sharing economy,…
06 November 2017
Julian Baggini on lies, damn lies, and political realities. Politicians lie. That has to be one of the most universal and least controversial claims anyone could make,…
06 November 2017
What are the Brexit answers – and what indeed are the right questions? Anthony Barnett’s new book, ‘Lure of Greatness’ triggers a lively exchange of…
03 November 2017
This is the final part of a wide-ranging interview with world-renowned public intellectuals Noam Chomsky and Robert Pollin. In an increasingly unequal country, the stakes are high…
03 November 2017
At the Group of Twenty Leaders Summits (“G20”) and its affinity groups, like the Business 20, Youth 20, and Women 20, we are seeing the emergence of new groupings of…
02 November 2017
Ever since the outbreak of the global financial crisis, more and more rules have been developed to reduce the public cost of banking crises and increase the private sector’s…
02 November 2017
The new estimates on modern slavery hide incontrovertible biases within them, but their weight will be used to justify the actions of ‘white saviours’ for years to…
01 November 2017
Branko Milanovic explores the link between mass wars and inequality.  It has  become somewhat of a truism to hold that big mass mobilization cause income inequality to…
01 November 2017
Avril Keating explores research on what young Britons really think about Brexit. In the immediate aftermath of the EU referendum, much was made of how devastated young people were…