Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

20 June 2019
Branko Milanovic asks if our life is a CV, what kind of social scientist will we make?   Recently I read, rather by accident than design,  short lives of…
13 June 2019
Is socialism making a comeback? If so, what exactly is socialism, why did it lose steam toward the latter part of the 20th century, and how do we distinguish democratic socialism…
05 June 2019
Brian Stoddart argues that choosing the lesser of two political evils is the new global normal. It is now a truism to note that politics in the West are either in transition, “…
03 June 2019
The sharp rise in suicides and overdoses under Trump exposes the truth about the U.S. economy, Noam Chomsky says. Donald Trump ran a campaign — and won the 2016 presidential…
29 May 2019
Branko Milanovic on the exciting ideological choices facing the world's youth.   When I was young and would overhear (rare) conversations that my father and his friends…
24 May 2019
The China boom: Why China will not rule the world by Ho-fung Hung. Published 2015 by Columbia University Press.   I read with pleasure the recent book “The China boom: Why China…
14 May 2019
Philip McGowan, Friederike Bolam and Louise Mair on the implications of an impending biodiversity collapse.  “Transformative change” is needed to prevent over a million…
13 May 2019
As we enter an era of energy transition and the effects of climate change become more dramatic, our need for new forms of economic thinking is becoming increasingly urgent. The…
06 May 2019
Branko Milanovic on why the Chinese or Singaporean models of political organisation may prove to appealing to others.   Last night, in a response to something I had written…
26 April 2019
To think correctly about globalization one needs to think of it in historical context. This means seeing today’s globalization and its effects, positive and negative, as in many…