Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

07 February 2023
Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS) schemes have the ability to help smallholder farmers change their production and managerial practices through trainings, capacity…
06 February 2023
The People’s Republic of China has fully financed the construction of at least 15 new African parliamentary buildings and refurbished and furnished several others on the …
01 February 2023
On 8 November 2022, the Research Workshop on China and the Global South was held online, jointly organised by the LSE International Development, the Institute for Global Public…
31 January 2023
Financing the Future: Multilateral Development Banks in the Changing World Order of the 21st Century by Chris Humphrey. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2022. 240 pp., £70…
30 January 2023
The war in Ukraine is a turning point in the international relations of the Twenty-first century. As the bloodiest confrontation in Europe since World War II and with no end in…
30 January 2023
Zhanna L. Malekos Smith argues that implanted microchips offer alluring benefits of convenience and mobility, but they carry potential cybersecurity, privacy and health risks. The…
26 January 2023
At least 39 people have been charged following the riots in Brazil’s capital earlier in January. Not only is it the latest mockery to strike the…
24 January 2023
Max Lawson introduces Oxfam’s 2023 Davos report, ‘Survival of the Richest: How we must tax the super-rich now to fight inequality’ Walter is the father of my son’s best friend at…
23 January 2023
Nicholas Ross Smith, from the University of Canterbury, makes a case for the departing Jacinda Ardern as being one of New Zealand’s finest statesperson, based on her communicative…
17 January 2023
Blair Glencorse and Narayan Adhikari explore the domestic and international roots of Nepal's latest air tragedy, and discuss what can be done to end them. Here in Kathmandu,…