Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

17 January 2018
A ballistic missile warning alarm that was wrongly triggered in Hawaii recently rams home the importance of the way interfaces are designed to prevent such major bloopers from…
17 January 2018
How can we face up to the enormity of environmental collapse? How can we collectively build a politics for the Anthropocene? Laurie Laybourn-Langton interviews activist and former…
16 January 2018
David Duriesmith identifies tensions created by efforts to ‘engage’ men and boys in Women, Peace and Security, and introduces his new working paper: ‘Engaging men and boys in the…
15 January 2018
Stephenie Foster argues we need transport systems that work for everyone. Today, 55 percent of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and by 2050, that number is…
15 January 2018
Corruption: What Everyone Needs to Know by Ray Fisman and Miriam A. Golden. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2017. 336 pp, £51 hardcover 9780190463984, £10.99 paperback…
12 January 2018
Catherine Turner explores the prospects and challenges for a newly created network of women mediators. Recent years have seen the establishment of a number of new Networks of…
12 January 2018
Jonathan Birch considers the development of large-scale human cooperation. The scale of human cooperation If you start with the assumption that biological altruism evolves because…
11 January 2018
Vladimir Kmec explores what Brexit may mean for international peacebuilding efforts. As a form of international assistance to post-conflict societies, peacebuilding addresses both…
10 January 2018
Complicit Sisters: Gender and Women’s Issues across North-South Divides. by Sara de Jong. Oxford University Press. 2017. In recent years, feminist, postcolonial and…
10 January 2018
If human beings are so ineffective in confronting planetary problems, shouldn’t we seek out help wherever we can find it? A few years ago I visited an old friend at his home…