Early View Article - Mapping Policies and Regulations for Safe and Healthy Digital Environments for Children and Adolescents

Mapping Policies and Regulations for Safe and Healthy Digital Environments for Children and Adolescents

Policies and regulations have the potential to shape the dynamics of digital transformations, preventing negative health outcomes and creating healthier and safer digital environments. To gain insight into how countries are approaching safety in digital environments for children and adolescents, the Digital Transformations for Health-Lab (DTH-Lab) team analyzed policies and regulations worldwide, mapping national strategies to protect young people from online harms, including restrictions on smartphone use. While existing legislation often addresses the mental and physical health consequences of online sexual exploitation, abuse, and cyberbullying, other online risks like exposure to inappropriate content, addictive applications, and misleading marketing practices, along with their associated health impacts, are largely overlooked. A surprising finding is the limited involvement of health ministries or departments in shaping these policies. These results underscore the urgent need for the health sector to take a more proactive role in improving the safety and well-being of children and adolescents in digital environments. International agencies, nongovernmental organizations, health professional associations, civil society, and researchers must establish a narrative that encourages and supports the active participation of the health sector, especially through public health approaches that can support and shape effective policy responses with children's and adolescents' well-being at heart in the digital age.


Photo by Jonathan Borba